О Технопарке
Технопарк «Калибр» — специализированная территория, созданная для научно-производственной и инновационной деятельности и объединяющая производственные и административные помещения, лаборатории и центры коллективного пользования, площадки для проведения мероприятий.
ПАО «Калибр» поддерживает инновационные компании, оказывает содействие в получении льгот и субсидий и создает сообщество специалистов, развивающих высокотехнологичные проекты.
Основные отраслевые специализации Технопарка: приборостроение, аддитивные технологии, беспилотный и электротранспорт, водородная энергетика, телекоммуникационные технологии, креативные индустрии, медицинские исследования.
Также резиденты территории могут воспользоваться услугами Центра прототипирования.

Comfortable conditions for end-to-end technologies in the following industries:
Tool engineering and metalworking; Additive technology;
Self-driving vehicles and electric vehicles; Telecommunication technologies;
Medical research; Hydrogen power;
Creative industries
Specially prepared rooms with industrial ventilation, antistatic coating, water supply and air supply

Employee Accommodation
Open space plans, with conference facilities, marker walls and Skype rooms, are suitable for Agile and teams working remotely
Labs for 3D visualization, self-driving vehicles, artificial intelligence and 3D printing

Tenant Status Benefits
- Access to government programs and supporting measures;
- Use of the infrastructure on special conditions;
- The involvement into production chains;
- Access to a unique ecosystem of startups;
- Regular business events;
- Soft-skills;
- Entering international markets;
Moscow City Government support gives:
Loans up to 100 million rubles, depending on the company’s OKVED
Subsidies for the purchase of equipment up to 10 million rubles
Seed investments
Seed investments and investment loans
How to become a tenant?
The status of a technopark's tenant can be obtained by a legal entity or an entrepreneur, who is a resident, carrying out economic activity related to research and development, technical testing, research, analysis and certification, information and communication activities and manufacturing.
- Define your OKVED
- Choose a vacant space
- Agree on a development plan with the Commercial Department
- Get information about benefits
- Receive a tenant status
Наши резиденты
For investors
Kalibr Technopark is a platform for the development of information technologies and solutions that unites more than 200 companies and unique infrastructure facilities in one territory.
- Center of attraction for Russian and foreign high-tech companies
- Support and co-investment from the Moscow City Government
- Access to a unique ecosystem of startups and research teams
- Access to government programs and supporting measures
- High tech startups
- Over 100 patents registered in 2019
Technopark News
Become a tenant
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